Tag Archives: Illness

Who I am

I have recently started a part time university course and have just completed a module on Identity.  At the same time I came across a truly inspiring TED talk about the speakers take on her own definition of self.  The speaker has a rare disease meaning that at the age of 24 she weighs just 4 stone.  If you are interested, I have included the link for you.  A truly inspiring lady.


As a combination of the talk and my study it obviously got me to thinking about my own identity and how I define myself.  Here on WordPress, my focus is very much on mood based topics.  I’ve suffered from depression for most of my life and it’s been great to share this experience with others, and to share lessons I have learnt along the way.  

Before watching this talk, I most likely would have described myself as someone with Depression.  But is ‘depression’ something that I want to use to define myself?  It’s absolutely had a major effect on my life and is something that I reminded of daily. A lot of the qualities I hold are due to my experience of depression.  But is it a part of who I am or is it something that I carry with me.  It can certainly feel part of me sometimes, but I think, on reflection, that I would prefer to keep it separate.  It’s something I have to deal with, but it’s not who I am.

I am a daughter, sister, aunt and neice.  I’m a great friend to some, a good friend to others and an acquaintance to yet more.  I am British, I’m a woman and I’m employed.  I’m single, I’m (*little cough*) young and I’m loved.  I’m a mentor, coach and trainer.  I’m educated, I’m a student of education and a student of life.   I’m an introvert, I’m a reflector and through that I am strong.  There are so many facets that make up ‘Who I am’, but from now on my illness will not be one of them.  It’s something I have, not something I am.

For those in a similar situation, I would love to know your thoughts.